Frequently Asked Questions

What the heck is a ManagaWan?

A Managawan is born when the meatiest peanut you can imagine is coated in the most magical crunchy coating you can imagine. What were you expecting us to say?

And what is a ManagaWow?

A Managawow is a deliciously spicy version of our Managawan nuts. Why not just try it and find out?

What are these nuts made of?

Managawan and Managawow nuts are hand-made in small batches. Because why would you do it any other way?

We take the meatiest, tastiest nuts you can imagine and coat them with a top-secret recipe crunchy shell that makes them both unique and addicting. Of course, the nuts are amazing as is, but we thought, 'if we can make these even better with a crunchy coating, why would we not?'

Why are they so freaking delicious?

Why would we bet our mortgages trying to sell something that wasn't?

*Just kidding we didn't really do that. Or did we?

Why are they so freaking delicious?

We're working on that... please check back. Do you want to sell them at your store? Get it touch!